A Division of TechPrecision Corp.
Stadco Approach to Quality
At every level of the company, quality is our highest priority. Our lists of Approvals and Customer Awards verify our pursuit of continuous improvement and value.
STADCO strives for excellence in quality and increased productivity through the use of a continuous process improvement plan. The ultimate achievement is the satisfaction of our customers.
Individual employees are empowered to act as the guardians of our quality assurance at every level in the design, engineering and manufacturing processes.
Our Engineering and Quality Assurance departments are fully integrated and include program managers, project engineers, numerical control programmers, quality engineers, document control and quality control personnel.
Every job is monitored from start to finish by data collection stations throughout the facility. As needed, STADCO uses Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods to monitor machine capabilities and processes.
In addition to our team of quality engineers, we operate with inspectors and other quality professionals. STADCO's own Certified Operator Program fully trains production personnel to inspect their own work.
The department is backed by a multi-million dollar inventory of calibrated inspection equipment.
These standards and systems are implemented under the immediate direction of the company president, our management team and supporting staff. From our outstanding calibration system to our careful contract review procedure, STADCO exemplifies the meaning of total quality management.
Whether it's manufacturing components for our customers or for our own use, we believe that quality and accuracy are the standards.
Worldwide Leaders in Large/Complex Product Machining
200,000 square footfabrication facility
One of the longest-standing Invar toolingdesigners & manufacturers
Stable & advancing capabilitiessince 1941